What is the Difference Between Insuring a Home and a Duplex?

A duplex or any other multifamily dwelling needs a different kind of insurance coverage than the insurance needed for a single-family home. The reason for this is that even if you live in a part of the duplex, usually the other part rents out. Renting a residential space is a commercial activity. Normally, this has no coverage under standard home insurance. If you use part of your home for an office, then, you need commercial insurance. The coverage is different. Many make the mistake of thinking that they have adequate protection when they may not.

There is no need to worry about this because the solution is simple. Work with your agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serving Bloomfield, NJ and the surrounding area to get the correct type of insurance coverage you need for a duplex. Make sure there are no gaps in insurance coverage that create extraordinary risk for you.

Add Professional Skills to Help

Do not hesitate to use the professional skills of your insurance agent to get recommendations. Their main job is to protect you, not force you to buy something you do want or need. They can be very helpful and are the perfect resource to ask for information even if your coverage is already adequate.

Call on them without hesitation when considering buying a home, duplex, townhouse, or other multifamily property. They can help you estimate the cost of insurance that needs factoring into the calculations to determine if the investment is a good idea. At the same time, they can review any of your existing policies to recommend any needed upgrades.


Many families are finding it more cost-effective to invest in a multifamily property, live in a part of it, and rent out the other part. Millennials call this “hacking” a residential property. In some cases, all or most of the expenses of the entire building may be covered by the rent collected for just part of it. This is a very clever way to build up a valuable real estate portfolio by starting with the purchase of a duplex. To get an insurance review and a quote, contact your agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ.

Benefits of Full Coverage Auto Insurance

It is common to wonder if it is better to carry the minimum liability or to attain full coverage for your vehicle. If you are trying to weigh out your options and understand the difference, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is here to help. Let’s start with understanding what exactly full coverage auto insurance is for a Bloomfield, NJ driver.

Full coverage auto insurance is typically a combination of the following:

Liability Coverage- Coverage for other parties’ repairs and injuries if you are found at fault for an accident. In Bloomfield, NJ, the minimum required liability insurance is $15,000 for bodily injury per person (up to $30,000 per accident) and $5,000 in property damage per accident.

Collision Coverage- Coverage for repairs to your own vehicle if you are responsible for an accident with another car or object, such as a tree or stop sign.

Comprehensive Coverage- Coverage for auto repairs or replacement for certain covered events, such as theft, vandalism, fire, weather, and more.

You have the option to add on other coverage, such as uninsured motorist insurance to cover damage caused by another person who does not have insurance.

Though liability is all that is required by law, it is not always enough to cover the costs incurred during an accident. And it does not help repair or replace your car in the event that you are at fault in an accident, so you will have to cover those costs out-of-pocket. Without enough in savings, that could be a problem.

It is important to understand that no matter how careful a driver you are, there is no guarantee that you will never be in an accident. Safe driving does limit the possibility, but it does not eradicate it altogether. There will always be things you cannot control, such as the way other people drive or certain road conditions.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Let us help you with the protection you need. Give E.S.T.I.R. Inc. a call or stop by today for a free, no-obligation full coverage quote!

Why a contractor needs contractors insurance

Anyone that would like to be their own boss and has a strong skillset in construction or another trade should consider becoming a contractor. Successful contractors in the Bloomfield, NJ area can have a great career and build a very successful business. When you are a contractor, it is important that you have proper insurance in place at all times. There are several reasons why a contractor should get contractors insurance to cover their business.

Protects Company Assets

The first reason why a contractor should get contractors insurance is that it will help to protect their company assets. A contractor’s insurance policy will give coverage to protect any equipment, inventory, or other assets that a contractor owns. This will provide coverage in the event of fire or weather damage, theft, vandalism, or many other situations that could cause a loss. 

Provides Liability Protection

Any contractor that is working on a job in the Bloomfield area will find that they are taking on a lot of risk of liability. A mistake made on the job or injury that occurs near the job site could be considered the contractor’s neglect and mistake. This is a risk that continues to persist at all times, no matter how skilled the contractor is. A contractor’s insurance policy will give you coverage to protect against this risk. 

If you are a contactor in the Bloomfield, NJ area, it is very important that you get a quality contractor’s insurance policy. Picking one of these policies can seem complicated. However, when you work with the team at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. you can receive the support that you need to pick the right policy. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. will examine the needs of your small business and then help you to get int a quality policy. 

When will commercial insurance be needed in New Jersey?

Starting a business is a dream that many people have. When you are looking to start a company, it is important to find a location that offers good economic benefits to small businesses. One city that offers a lot of potential and support to business owners in Bloomfield, NJ. When you are looking to start a business, it is important that you consider all of your insurance needs. There are several situations when you may need to have commercial insurance for your company.

When Required by Stakeholders

One situation when you may need to have commercial insurance is when it is required by your stakeholders. Commercial insurance can help to protect a company in many different ways. This insurance can ultimately help to keep a company solvent during more challenging situations. Due to this, any lender or investor is going to require that you carry this insurance at all times.

When Employees are Hired

For businesses that are in the Bloomfield NJ area, staying compliant with worker’s compensation requirements is very important. This part of your commercial insurance policy will ensure that your staff has insurance coverage if they are hurt while working. Companies all over the state of New Jersey will be required to carry commercial insurance at all times. Those that do not have it could face serious penalization.

When you are looking for a commercial insurance policy for your business, you should reach out to E.S.T.I.R. Inc. The team at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help anyone to get into a policy that provides adequate protection. The company will work with you to fully understand and assess the business risks that you face. They will then build you a policy that helps to mitigate these risks while also ensuring you are in full compliance. 

Is Home Insurance Required?

With auto insurance and health insurance being a requirement, it makes sense to wonder whether home insurance is also required. Bloomfield, NJ residents, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. has the answer you are looking for: home insurance is actually not required by law. Before writing off home insurance completely, though, there are other questions that you need to ask yourself.

1. Are you currently paying on a mortgage loan for your home or have some other lien on the home? If so, you may need it. Most mortgage companies require that you keep homeowners insurance while paying on the mortgage, at least until a certain amount of the mortgage has been repaid. If you do not keep your insurance, you are breaking the contract, and the lender can take legal action. If you owe anything on your home, double check your contracts first.

2. If something were to happen to your home right now, could you afford to fix it or replace it on your own? Insurance is not something that we use every day, but it is something that can help us get back on our feet when certain events occur. Consider a house fire. If your home were to burn down, could you afford to buy a new home? Do you have enough money saved to repair any damages the home sustains? If not, having homeowner’s insurance should still be a priority, even though it is not required by law.

Homeowner’s insurance may seem like an unnecessary bill, but it is actually a great way to help protect your investment. For more information on how homeowner’s insurance can help protect your Bloomfield, NJ home, stop by or give E.S.T.I.R. Inc. a call today!


What does a comprehensive auto policy cover?

When you own a vehicle there are many things that can happen to it. Some things can happen that have nothing to do with driving. Bloomfield, NJ is no exception, it offers just as many challenges to drivers and vehicle owners like any other city in the United States. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we are here to help you to make sure that you have all the auto insurance coverage that you need at a price you can live with.

If you have a vehicle for which you have a loan or a lease, they will require that you carry insurance to protect their investment. Comprehensive insurance is one of these coverages. It is often referred to as non-collision insurance since it does not cover your vehicle from a collision with another vehicle or stationary object. That sort of event is covered by collision insurance.

So what does the comprehensive auto insurance cover? It covers certain weather events. It will pay to repair the damage done by hail which in New Jersey can sometimes be quite large and damaging. It covers damage caused by strong winds which can cause the limbs of trees to fall on vehicles. Comprehensive insurance will also cover your car from flood damage which can be caused by hurricanes or just excessive rain.

In the event that your car is involved in a hit and run and you no idea who caused the damage, if you have comprehensive insurance you will be covered. It will also replace your windshield if it is cracked or a chip. If you travel in the countryside of New Jersey and a deer jumps into the road and you make contact with it, the damage can be devastating, luckily it will be covered. But perhaps the most important coverage is theft if your car is stolen your insurance will replace it up to the value of your policy.

There are other coverages that you may get with a comprehensive policy, at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ we will find the right policy from the carrier that offers the coverage you need. Give us a call or stop by for a no-obligation quote.

4 Questions to Ask When Choosing Contractor Insurance

When you decide to get contractor insurance, you want to get what’s going to properly protect you and meet your needs. If you’re in the Bloomfield, NJ area, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you get the coverage that’s right for you. Don’t hesitate to ask plenty of questions, either. That’s what your agent is there for. With the right questions and answers, you’ll feel secure in the policy you choose and have confidence that the coverage you have is going to properly protect your interests. We can help with that because we understand the importance of having the right insurance.

Don’t Choose Contractor Insurance Without Information

Your agent should be able to answer all the questions you have about contractor insurance and what kind of policy you need, including:

1. How much coverage do you need?

2. Are there any extra riders or coverage options you should choose?

3. How often should you review or update your policy?

4. Is there more than one kind of contractor insurance to choose from?

By getting your questions answered, you can make a knowledgeable choice about the level and type of contractor insurance you actually need to be successful in your business. With good coverage, your peace of mind will be higher and you can get back to the business of running your contracting company.

Reach Out to a Trusted, Reliable Insurance Agent Today

If you’re in the Bloomfield, NJ area, contact us today at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We can help you get the contractor insurance you need, and we’ll be more than happy to answer all the questions you have about any policy we suggest to you. As your business grows and changes, we can also help you make changes so you always have the level of protection you really need the most.

What Business General Liability Insurance Means in New Jersey

Do you own a small business in the Bloomfield, NJ area? If so, you’d do well to get set up with general liability commercial insurance. Read on to learn what general liability coverage means in this state and contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. with any additional questions.

General Liability Definition

This is the most basic type of commercial insurance. Also known as Comprehensive Commercial Liability, it covers bodily injury claims, as well as claims about other physical injuries and property damage. This includes expenses related to defending or settling claims, regardless of whether or not they’re fraudulent ones. You must remember that such policies exclude professional liability claims that are against your business.

Customize Your Policy

After you have your basic liability insurance policy set up for your business, make sure to look into coverage that will insure against risks that are relevant to your type of business. If you get a property package added on, this can cover theft and damage to your business property, such as computers and hardware.

Requirements for General Liability in NJ

General Liability coverage is required in New Jersey for the majority of business owners. This is in place to protect business owners from having to pay a large amount of out-of-pocket expenses for direct or indirect damages to another party. The insurance will help you pay for damages that have been caused by the actions of your employees or business itself. This includes the personal injuries of your visitors, sub-contractors, and customers. It also will cover damages to an individual’s property, whether it’s on your business property or damaged by a company vehicle or the work activities of an employee or sub-contractor.

If you’d like to learn more about general liability insurance and the options you have, contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. of the greater Bloomfield, NJ today. You won’t regret reaching out for assistance with your general liability matters. 


Why People in New Jersey Need Auto Insurance

If you live in the Bloomfield, NJ area, owning a car is normally a very good idea as it will make it much more convenient for you to get to and from work, school, and any other daily chores that you have. Before you go out and buy your next car, you should also carefully consider your auto insurance needs. There are several reasons why someone in this area will need to have auto insurance coverage.

State Law

One important reason why people in Bloomfield need to have insurance is that it is mandatory under state law. New Jersey drivers need to meet the minimum level of liability insurance whenever they are driving on a public roadway. This will ensure that they are able to pay for damages if they are at fault in a driving accident. 

Lender Requirements

While you are only required by law to carry liability insurance, if you take out a loan to buy your car you are also going to need collision and comprehensive insurance. Since the lender will be taking the car as collateral, they will want you to be fully covered by these policies. This will ensure you receive coverage for virtually any type of situation that could cause a loss.

There is a clear benefit to having auto insurance in place at all times if you are in the Bloomfield, NJ area. When you are looking for your next auto insurance policy, you should call the team at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. When you reach out to these professionals, you can get a lot of great information and advice that will help you get into a great policy. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can answer any questions you have about any type of coverage that could be included in your policy. 

Sheds, Garages, and Outbuildings: What You Need To Know About Backyard Structures and Insurance

Like many Bloomfield, NJ homeowners, you may have a shed, detached garage, or outbuilding on your property. Any freestanding structure should be protected with a homeowner’s insurance policy in the event of an incident that causes damage or loss, but the policy you currently have on your home may or may not automatically cover them all. Because coverage amounts and exclusions from that coverage may differ, be sure to discuss any freestanding structures when you review your E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Homeowners policy.  

Garages, Sheds, and Other Outbuildings and Structures 

The most common detached structures found on a typical residential property are garages, sheds, decks, and fencing. While most of these structures are typically covered under the average homeowner’s insurance policy, it is important to check for any limitations of coverage, because not all policies include the same coverage. 

Stored Personal Items 

Do you know if the personal items you store in your detached structures are covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy? While typical items stored in outbuildings are usually covered, you should review your coverage with your insurance agent, because there may be limitations. For example, there may be a reimbursement limitation in your policy for certain items such as sporting equipment, machinery, marine equipment, or other high-value belongings. You may need to obtain separate coverage for those items, add a rider to your policy, or increase your personal property coverage limits. 

Is It Time to Review Your Homeowners Insurance Policy? 

Have you built or installed a new deck or shed? If you aren’t sure if your homeowner’s policy covers your freestanding structures and stored personal belongings, it’s time to have your policy reviewed to ensure you have protection for all your property. For answers to all your Bloomfield NJ homeowners insurance questions, give us a call today. Getting the right amount of protection for your home and property is easy with E.S.T.I.R. Inc.