Should You Increase Your Auto Insurance if You Are Planning on Driving Through a State With Higher Minimum Coverage Requirements Than You Carry?

If money is tight in your household, you may have the minimum amount of auto insurance that the state requires. This helps to keep your auto insurance premiums low. However, the minimum amount of auto insurance that you are required to carry varies from state to state. As such, if you are traveling out of state for work or for pleasure, you may find yourself wondering if you need to increase your coverage if one or more of the states you will be traveling in has higher minimum coverage requirements.

What most people do not realize is that even thought your policy limits say they are good in the state you reside, they are actually good nationwide. And if your current minimums do not meet the minimums in other states, your auto insurance automatically boosts the limits up to the minimum when you are in these states. And no, you don’t have to notify the insurance company you are traveling in these states or on vacation. It is something that is automatically done if you are in an accident in the state.

The only time this is not the case is if your auto insurance specifically states that the policy amounts do not automatically adjust in another state. This may occur if you are involved in multiple accidents out of state. Unless your policy specifically precludes it, your insurance will self adjust when you are in other states with higher minimums than you carry, ensuring you don’t have to change your policy amounts as you travel.

If you are looking to increase the coverage amount of your auto insurance policy, or are simply shopping around for a new one, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help. We provide a full range of insurance products, including auto insurance, to the greater Newark, NJ area. Call us today or stop by our office to learn more about our products, get answers to your questions or obtain a quote for an auto insurance policy.

Keep your family and home protected in 2017

Whether you have purchased your first home that you intend on starting your family in or your next home after the kids have left for college, it is always important that you protect your nest and your family with the right home insurance. You Newark NJ area home is the heart of a bustling metropolitan area and should be protected against weather mishaps like hurricanes as well as the unforeseen incidents. When you have the right home insurance backing you, it allows you to live your best life, with peace of mind in your own home. 

Our agents at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. understand how important your home is to you and that protecting it is at the top of your priority list. We also know that purchasing home insurance for the first time or choosing a new insurance can be a tricky process filled with many questions. Our agents encourage you to come to our offices prepared to ask, inquire, and voice any of your concerns that you may have. We will happily walk you through the process of choosing the right policy to protect your home and your family. Here at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. , your needs are our priority.

Do not hesitate! Call our office today to talk to one of our knowledgeable agents about how we can help you protect your home, your family, and your peace of mind. Stop by our office and we will be happy to help you sort through your options, answer your questions, and address your concerns. Don’t wait to protect your home and family from the unpredictable. Contact us today!

Why Newark Needs Better Auto Insurance Coverage

It’s extremely tempting to see the price tag for liability auto insurance and choose that as your policy option. The upfront cost is really all people see sometimes, especially when there are so many other things to pay for in any given month. However, the people of Newark, NJ need to think beyond just the matter at hand to all the possible scenarios that may just end up being too much to handle without better car insurance. 

The Costs of Crashes

Just one minor crash can end up being a very major affair. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. has seen people be caught unawares when they file a claim and are denied based on the terms of their policy. Without coverage, an uninsured motorist could hit you, and there would be no recourse that you would have to get your car fixed. Or you may have your car broken into to take a very expensive stereo, only to find out that the loss will be something that comes entirely out of your pocket. There are a number of situations that aren’t covered, and it’s better to find out about it before it becomes a real problem. 

A Better Way 

Newark, NJ has people from every walk of life, and it’s especially important to start looking at buying a policy that covers the many things that could possibly go wrong. Dealing with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. means talking to agents who have your best interests at heart, and having a contact number where you’re treated like a person. When something goes wrong, it’s stressful to deal with having to tell your story three times to three different people. Instead of putting yourself through that, give us a call to find out more about our quotes and policies. 


Problems That May Void Your Home Insurance In Florida

Home insurance covers a wide range of damage to your home, but many homeowners are unaware that they may be doing things that could cause their insurance to be voided, especially in Florida. That’s why E.S.T.I.R. Inc. (who serves a wide range of areas, including as far south as Florida all the way up to Newark, New Jersey) is here to inform you of a few ways you might accidentally void your home insurance.

Inaccurate Information On Your Application

Whether you purposefully or accidentally put inaccurate information on your application (such as failing to mention certain problems plaguing your home), doesn’t matter: it can still void your home insurance. Read over your application several times to check for inaccuracies before signing.

Multiple Claims

Home insurance agents often get suspicious if you make multiple claims over a period of a few years. In Florida, this may come in the form of claims for damage from hurricane or even underground termites. This might lead the insurance agent to suspect negligence and void your claim or policy in response.

No Receipts On Claimed Items

Your policy will cover the items in your home, but if you don’t have receipts for them, you can’t prove their worth. As a result, most Florida insurance agents will simply void your claim, causing you to suffer severe losses as a result. Keep your receipts in a safe to protect them from damage.

Suspected Deliberate Damage

If your insurance agent expects that you may have caused deliberate damage to your home, they will not only void your claim, but likely your policy. Even worse, they may turn you into legal authorities for fraud. It’s important to prove that the damage caused was not deliberate, such as by including eye-witness testimony, in your claim.

If you are worried that you may have performed any of these problems on accident, please contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We can help people like you from Florida all the way to Newark, New Jersey get the home insurance coverage that they deserve. We’ll make sure you don’t make any of these unfortunate mistakes.

Layers of Rental Car Coverage

If you travel, you are bound to require a rental vehicle. There are also cases where you may never drive but have a day of errands or even leisure in Newark, New Jersey and find yourself needing a rental but there is a question about insurance. If you own a vehicle, you likely have New Jersey’s minimum coverage. The Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act requires all auto owners to have basic insurance to be road-legal while driving. Most rental services will offer loss damage waivers (LDW) and collision damage waivers (CDW), taking the place of your collision and comprehensive insurance but the exemptions differ and come with deductibles. In other cases, it could null and void if the accident is your fault. But there is a way to lessen the potential for disaster.

Non-owner car insurance covers drivers who do not own a vehicle but do drive on occasion. Be that a rental or a friend’s car, having supplemental insurance is never a bad idea.  Not only are you ensuring that you do not go into debt because of the unpredictability of an accident, but you are also protecting yourself from future choices. Non-owner insurance is ideal if you will be without a vehicle for a period of time. By purchasing non-owner insurance through E.S.T.I.R. Inc. , you are also avoiding higher insurance costs for when you do buy a car and insurance. 

Rental car insurance varies in price and coverage. The waivers are often confusing, and chances are you are paying too much for an insurance plan that you could obtain for yourself. Relying on a third party that is a stranger may lead you to find yourself in a bind. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. auto insurance ensures the safety of your wallet and well-being. Give them a call today.


Best reasons for having auto insurance in Newark, NJ

A big bustling city like Newark, New Jersey requires most residents to have a vehicle to get around, which means most residents will also need some form of auto insurance policy. Below are the best reasons for having an auto insurance policy in a place like Newark, NJ.


You need to have some form of insurance if you are driving in New Jersey, so that you can cover an accident if you are in one and not cost someone else a lot of money or cost yourself a lot of money. If you don’t have insurance or proof of insurance while driving in Newark, you may receive a ticket and an order to get insurance before you can legally drive again.


There is a lot to worry about when driving on the road, from other people possibly hitting you in their cars to your car malfunctioning or a tire blowing and causing you to have an accident. One less thing to worry about with auto insurance is who is going to pay for all of this if one of these unexpected things does happen while you are driving. Without auto insurance, the cost of an accident can easily skyrocket into the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollar range. With auto insurance, you basically don’t have to worry about most accidents costing you more than your deductible payment.


You’re also protected from any lawsuits that may arise from an accident you have while driving thanks to your auto insurance company. They will go to court for you and pay the judgment if they lose the case against whoever is suing you. If you don’t have insurance, then you will have to deal with all of this yourself.

Prepping Your Home for Colder Weather

Winter is a gorgeous time of year in Newark, NJ, and there are a lot of things that come along with that. For many, winter is a time to venture into the city and enjoy all of the colder climate activities. However, there are also some things you should do to prep your home for the colder weather. Before fall slips away, use these tips from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. to prep your home.

  • Clean out your gutters. In the fall, the leaves will start to fall and some of them will end up in your gutters. While the changing fall colors are beautiful, they are not so wonderful when they are clogging up your gutters. Before the first snow falls, you should make sure these are cleaned out.
  • Get your heater examined. You likely haven’t thought about using your heater since last winter. Before you try to use it, you should get it looked at by a professional. Getting regular maintenance on your heater is important and fall is a great time to get it done. Plus, it is always good to catch a problem before you need to use the heater. Additionally, this time of year is a great time to also change your filters in the home to ensure your heater is able to work optimally.
  • Get home insurance. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is not having home insurance in place for their home. It is definitely something that can help in a variety of ways and we recommend it for every homeowner. You should protect your investment with home insurance all year long and if you do not have it now, it is time to explore some of your options.

If you are interested in learning more about home insurance and getting some quotes, be sure to contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serving Newark, NJ. We can even help you by examining your current policy for any gaps.

Residents of New Jersey: Keep Your Family Safe With Automobile Insurance

In life, one of the most important things is a person’s family in all walks of life. Keeping your family safe in your vehicle, this is certainly no exception to that – and perhaps it is among the most important places to keep them safe. In all, one of the best ways to do this is to make sure that you have proper automobile insurance. In order to operate a vehicle, a driver is required to – from the very first moment – have automobile insurance. Thankfully, in New Jersey, the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act ensures that drivers should have a basic policy available no matter what level of experience you hold. However, the basic plan is not the best out there for families and definitely skews more strongly to drivers who have fewer responsibilities (such as younger drivers).

A basic plan may be good start if you are without any other options at your disposal, but it is important to also consider plans that work the best for you. Understandably, it can be a very difficult and stressful process, trying to figure out exactly which plan is it that works for you. Thankfully for you, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. has one priority, to get you exactly the kind of coverage you need. We do this by examining your situation in life and your specific needs, and in minutes we can offer a selection of insurance options for you.

People in and around the New Jersey area who are still finding themselves confused by all of the red tape and such of insurance can contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. either online or by phone at (973) 481-5300. Insurance is important, so we will do everything we can to get you protected.

Preparing Your Trees for the Upcoming Winter and Preventing Hazardous Tree Accidents

During the winter months, trees can cause you to have to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. However, there is something you can do to minimize the likelihood that this will happen. Preparing your trees for winter can help decrease tree-related problems this winter. Here are two ways you can do this.

Remove Dead Trees

If your tree is dead, remove it in the fall, before the winter months come. A dead tree has a bad root system and can easily topple over when the wind blows. This can cause significant damage. Removing the tree is the best way to prevent this. If you are unsure if a tree is dead, a landscaper or arborist can help make that determination.

Trim Away Overgrown Branches

The second way you can prevent hazardous tree accidents is to trim away overgrown branches. Overgrown branches can fall off when the wind blows or if large amounts of snow or ice accumulate on the branches, weighing them down. Trimming them away in the fall months helps prevent this problem.

Failing to prepare your yard for winter can lead to dead or overgrown tree branches falling on your home or your car. In turn, this may cause you to have to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company. If this has got you thinking about homeowners insurance, you may be wondering if you have enough coverage or you may be looking to change your policy. Contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serving the Newark, NJ area, for all of your homeowner’s insurance needs. Let us review your policy, determine what coverages you need and even provide you with quotes for a new policy today.


Protect Your New Business with Commercial Insurance

Congratulations! You’ve gone into business for yourself. No more bosses or time clocks! Except now if a mistake occurs, it is all on you. Did you insure your new company, protecting your ability to remain operating in the case of accident or disaster? Are your personal assets protected from business decisions, good or bad? If the answer is no, you might want to think about commercial insurance products from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. 

Loss of Company Building

Fires and major storms will happen. Should the property burn down that your new business is located in, how will you rebuild? With the right protection in place, you will be able to replace or relocate and start sending out product to your anxious customers once again.  Otherwise, your dream that you invested all your money and effort into will simply vanish in a column of smoke.

No Business During Construction

Should the aging road outside your property undergo badly needed repairs by the state, how will you get patrons to your front door or your product out? With no commerce happening during the fragile first few years of operation, how likely is it that you could survive a month or two of lost income?  Commercial insurance can provide enough cash during an interruption in business to protect your most valuable asset.

Replace Damaged Equipment

The industrial press needed to build your business cost almost as much as the building.  Should it fail due to vandalism without warranty, where are you going to raise the capital to replace it? Your capital equipment would be protected with the right policy.

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. has all the commercial insurance products needed to ensure your new business can flourish for years to come. Give them a call today.