How Does a Car Qualify to be Eligible for Classic Car Insurance in Newark, New Jersey?

Driving a classic car does not necessarily mean that your vehicle will qualify for a classic car insurance policy in Newark, New Jersey. In many cases, insurers will have strict standards that you must meet before they will cover your vehicle. The best way to get covered for a classic car is by identifying the rules that your insurer sets before you obtain coverage.

Limitations on Driving

When it comes to auto coverage for a classic vehicle, insurers may set a driving limitation to reduce the risk of an accident. Insurers may provide a set guideline for how many miles you are allowed to drive in a year.

In most cases, insurers will not offer coverage as a classic vehicle if you drive the automobile on a daily basis.

Storage Requirements

In some cases, insurers may ask that you store the vehicle in a private garage where it cannot be damaged by another individual. Some insurers may not require a private space, but may still ask that you store it in an enclosed space away from the elements.

The storage requirements may vary between insurers, so read through the details of a policy before you determine if you vehicle might qualify for coverage.

Exhibition Coverage

Insurers may offer coverage for exhibitions, but the details of your policy may vary if you take your vehicle to car shows. Depending on your plans, the insurer may require additional protection.

Finding the right insurance for your classic vehicle can depend on a variety of factors. Before you obtain a quote, make sure that your vehicle qualifies for coverage based on the insurer’s standards. Contact us to talk to an independent agent for more details about coverage requirements.

Now that my business is established in Newark, NJ, I think it is time to offer my employees some benefits. What do I need to know?

There are several different types of insurance benefits you should think about offering your employees in Newark, New Jersey. If you want to keep good employees, the type of insurance coverage you provide could mean the difference between people staying for the long term or quitting when they find something better. You should speak with an independent agent about the types of commercial coverage you need in NJ.

One important benefit to offer is health insurance. You can shop around with several different companies to find a health insurance plan you can offer your employees that will not break the bank. If your business health coverage is too expensive, your employees will not be able to utilize the protection. Again, we can help you compare the rates and quotes from reputable insurance providers and find the perfect plan for your business.

Another important benefit is workers compensation coverage. Depending on the size of your commercial business, this type of protection is required by law. In the event one of your employees is injured at work, you need to make sure you are covered to not only pay the medical expenses, but also the missed time from work. Speak with a New Jersey independent agent about how much coverage you will need.

Once your business is up and running and doing well, you want to keep the employees that helped you get there. The best way to do that is to offer benefits that will entice employees to stay loyal to you and your business. Contacts us today to discuss your unique insurance needs and we fill find you the best insurance coverage for your business.

New Jersey Commercial Insurance Coverage

If you own a business in Newark or any other area within New Jersey, you’re required to carry several forms of commercial insurance coverage to protect yourself and your business from various financial liabilities. Commercial insurance covers the gamut from automobiles owned and used by your business to workers compensation and medical expenses for employees.

To maximize your protection against a variety of unforeseen events, it’s important to know what types of commercial insurance policies are available, as well as the coverage they offer:

· General Liability Insurance (CGL) – This form of insurance ensures that your business is covered against legal and financial claims resulting from bodily injury, slander and libel. It also covers your business in the event of theft or vandalism.

· Property Insurance – This form of insurance protects your business property, including land, inventory and on-site possessions, against natural and unnatural disasters.

· Workers Compensation – If your employees are injured on the job, this policy takes care of their medical expenses and wages while they recover.

· Commercial Auto Insurance – Similar to personal auto insurance, it covers the vehicles your business owns and/or uses, as well as their drivers under certain circumstances.

Many of these policies can be bundled into a Business Owner Package (BOP) that offers a significant savings over individually purchased policies.

The amount of coverage offered by these plans depends on the size and type of business and varies by cost accordingly. Don’t hesitate to give us a call to find out how much coverage your business needs to provide adequate coverage and comply with New Jersey state minimums. As your independent agent, we can help you find the right commercial plans that suit the unique needs of your business.

Which Security Devices will Reduce my Motorcycle Insurance Premium in Newark, New Jersey?

Insurance companies offer a variety of solutions to help reduce the cost of your premium, but the details of any policy and the methods of applying discounts to your coverage may vary. In Newark, New Jersey, it may be possible to reduce your premiums by taking measures to improve the security on your motorcycle.


When you want to reduce your premium with a discount, taking steps to reduce the risk of theft is essential. Insurers may offer a reduced rate if you install security devices that sound an alarm when the motorcycle is touched or actions are taken that would signal a theft.

Unlike an auto alarm, the system on a motorcycle may not sound if the bike is touched on accident. Learn about the system before you install an alarm to make sure it is the type of system that you prefer.


Cable locks and similar locking systems may also help lower your insurance premiums while making sure that your bike is covered from financial losses.

Locks help reduce the risk of theft because it would take longer to steal a motorcycle that is locked up than one that is not. It may lower your monthly rate if you put in a lock, but each insurer is different and the devices that are acceptable for a discount may vary based on the risk assessment and the potential to deter a theft.

It is possible to lower your insurance rate if you take steps to secure your motorcycle, but the devices that are acceptable to your insurer may vary. Before you put in a new security device, find out about the insurer’s standards. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about securing your motorcycle or reducing your premium.

What if during my Commute to my Office via Public Transportation my Personal Laptop gets Lost, Stolen, or Damaged? Would it be Covered by my Home Insurance Policy, in Newark, New Jersey?

When a personal laptop is stolen or damaged during your commute to the office in Newark, New Jersey, you may worry about where to make a claim for the electronic device. In many cases, your home insurance may offer some protection for the lost laptop, but the details of your plan may vary.

Look at Your Policy

Read your policy thoroughly before you assume that you are covered for a lost, stolen or damaged laptop during your commute in public transportation. Although many insurers may offer some protection for items that are taken out of your home, the situation may or may not be covered under your current policy.

Consider a Commercial Claim

If you lost the electronic device during a commute to the office, then it may be possible that your home insurance will refuse to pay for the device and will require that you make a claim through your employer’s commercial policy.

The details of any homeowner’s policy will vary based on the situation, the details of your plan and the expenses associated with the situation. In many cases, you may be covered under your home policy. In other situations, your insurer may refuse to pay on your claim due to the fact that you were taking the laptop to your place of employment.

Ultimately, every insurer offers a different solution based on the situation and the details of your protection plan. If you do not have coverage for an object that is taken out of the house, then you may need to pay for the replacement of your electronic device out-of-pocket. Contact us to speak to an independent agent to learn more about coverage options. What if during my Commute to my Office via Public Transportation my Personal Laptop gets Lost, Stolen, or Damaged? Would it be Covered by my Home Insurance Policy, in Newark, New Jersey?

How Will I protect my Employees in the Event they are injured on the Job in Newark, NJ?

An injury to employees when they are on the job in Newark, New Jersey is your responsibility as an employer. By obtaining appropriate commercial insurance, it is possible that you can protect your employees from workplace injuries and keep them from facing financial challenges if they are unable to work due to an accident.

Worker’s Compensation

A key part of ensuring that your employees are covered for accidents on the job is obtaining appropriate worker’s compensation insurance. The policy is designed to address the potential risks associated with your business. If employees are injured, then they will have protection to help pay for the medical bills and other associated costs until they heal and can get back to work.

Worker’s compensation requirements may vary based on your business. If there is a high risk of injuries, then you may need to purchase a greater amount of coverage.

Health Insurance

Another way that you can help protect your employees is by purchasing and offering a health insurance plan. The additional coverage can help your workers stay happy and healthy when they are on the job. It also helps identify job-related risks and factors that may contribute to accidents at work by providing the opportunity to see a doctor on a regular basis.

After an injury, having health insurance will help reduce the cost of medical bills. The coverage will pay for many of the medical expenses so that the financial burden is limited.

As an employer, it is your responsibility to protect your workers from potential injuries. Although a training program can help, insurance is important to help keep the financial risks to a minimum. Talk to an independent agent to learn more about commercial insurance options.

Is there an auto insurance policy for life time in Newark, NJ?

There are no auto insurance policies for life time in Newark, New Jersey. When you purchase an automobile insurance policy, there are many factors that go into the coverage. Your policy is based on the type of vehicle you drive, where you live, and how many miles you drive per year. Since these factors often change throughout your life time, your policy will also change.

An independent agent can help you find a great auto insurance policy that will take care of your immediate needs. Depending on the type of vehicle you own right now, you will need to determine if you need a comprehensive plan or a basic liability auto insurance plan. When you compare rates online, you can find quotes that will fit into your current budget.

As your needs change, you will need to consider changing your vehicle insurance policy. If you move away from New Jersey, you may need to find a new insurance provider. This is where our independent agent can help. You can compare the quotes online and find another policy that takes care of your needs. In addition, if you shorten your commute or begin riding the metro in NJ, you may be able to save money on your policy.

Although a life time policy seems like a great idea, you are actually better off shopping around for automobile insurance as your life changes. When working with our independent agent you can find the insurance coverage you need for the price you can afford. When you are ready to begin looking for a policy, just give us a call and let us take care of comparing quotes and rates and begin saving money today.

Do I Need my Automobile and Homeowner Policies, in Spite of Having an Umbrella Policy in Newark, NJ?

Purchasing an umbrella policy in Newark, New Jersey does not mean that you are covered for accidents or problems in your home. Depending on your current goals, the amount of auto insurance and homeowner’s coverage that you need will vary. Regardless of the details, an umbrella policy is not enough to handle every situation that may arise.

What is an Umbrella Policy?

An umbrella policy is a type of protection plan that provides supplemental coverage in case you a sued for liability. It is not designed to pay for all of the costs or for issues that are not related to liability, such as repairs to your vehicle after a hail storm or a similar situation.

The plan is designed to protect your finances if you are involved in an accident and your basic coverage does not pay enough to handle all of the costs. It can be applied to your vehicle or your house, depending on where you are worried about losing funds.

Finding the Right Plans

Since an umbrella policy is a supplemental insurance solution, it is not appropriate to give up your auto and home coverage. If your current policies are not appropriate for your goals or needs, then it may be necessary to look for a new plan. Finding the right policies for your car or house will depend on your goals, concerns and the amount of coverage that you want.

It is not enough to obtain an umbrella policy and hope that it will work well. The plan is designed to protect you from financial liability in excess of your car or house coverage. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about protecting your assets.

In Newark, NJ, Do Water Proof Roofs Yield Discounts on Home Insurance Policy?

A leak in your roof can result in high-cost repairs. In some cases, you may need to change the entire roof before you are able to fix the damages. Before putting in a new roof, you may want to consider the materials and look for a water proof option. Depending on your insurer and the policy that you own, it may be possible to apply a discount to your homeowner’s policy in Newark, New Jersey if you put in a water proof roof.

Differences between Insurers

Although some insurers may offer a discount on your home insurance if you put in a new roof, the change may not yield a discount with other insurers. Your home is covered for certain concerns, but the details of any policy can vary.

Every insurer is different, so the possibility of applying a reduced rate to your coverage may vary. In some cases, you may have reduced rates available through your insurance company.

Applying a Discount

If you discover that certain materials will result in a lower price on your monthly payments, then it is best to make that change when you already have a leak. After the change is complete, contact your insurer and ask for a discounted rate. The insurer may ask for some additional information and details regarding the materials, so provide any information that is requested. Depending on the company, the amount that you will save on a monthly basis can vary.

Discounted rates and methods of reducing your monthly payments can vary between insurers and the policy that you purchase. In some cases, you may have options available to cut back on your monthly payments. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about protecting your home.

Does Premium Increase if my Vehicles Windshield is Damaged in Newark, New Jersey?

Damage to your vehicle often results in an increased premium on your account, but that is not always the case in Newark, New Jersey. Depending on the situation and the type of insurance that you purchase, it may be possible to avoid additional expenses when your windshield is damaged.

Situational Damage

If your windshield is damaged, then the situation may play a role in the impact on your auto insurance policy. In some cases, the damage may be covered by your insurer. If the damage is covered and you make a claim, then the reason that the damage occurred might impact your premiums.

When damage is related to a storm, such as a hail storm or a fallen tree branch, you may not see a dramatic impact on your rates. Unfortunately, an accident that damages your windshield may cause your insurer to increase your premium due to the higher risk.

Forgiveness Programs

The type of policy that you purchased may also impact your premium. If your vehicle is enrolled in an accident forgiveness program, then the damage may not impact your monthly rate. In some cases, the insurer will forgive the first accident without increasing your premium or making changes to your account.

Qualifying for a forgiveness program will depend on your insurer. In most cases, you will need an excellent driving record to qualify. If the damage is caused by an accident, then the program will allow you to avoid additional costs.

Replacing the windshield is often annoying, but it does not necessarily mean that your insurance rates will increase. Depending on your policy and the situation, you may be able to maintain your current rates. To learn more about your insurance policy, contact us to talk to an independent agent today.