Auto Coverage Against Theft New Jersey

In New Jersey State, auto insurance is mandatory under law. Depending on the model of a car, age and driving record of a driver, residence, and type of insurance policy, costs may vary.  All drivers in New Jersey are required to hold minimum insurance coverage. Auto insurance law in the state is based on a ‘no-fault’ rule that states that regardless of fault in an accident, an insured has the right to coverage before a court ruling otherwise.

Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act

Auto insurer conformance with New Jersey’s Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act 1998, mandated that all drivers in the state carry a basic policy. In New Jersey, the Act mandates that insurance must be available to all drivers having a right to be insured. Exceptions and penalties applied under the 1998 Act, apply to driver’s license suspension, failure to pay license or registration fees, or incarceration. This includes drivers that are currently, or have previously been, incarcerated for Grand Theft Auto (GTA) in New Jersey.

New Jersey GTA Limits and Coverage

Drivers should protect themselves with auto theft insurance in New Jersey. Auto insurance companies serving the Newark metropolitan area, consider auto theft statistics in the calculation of policy costs. The cars most stolen in the state are assigned higher insurance rates. Automobile models targeted for theft the most often in New Jersey are the Honda Accord, Honda Civic, Dodge Caravan, Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee, Ford Econoline E250, Ford Full-size Pickup, Nissan Altima, Toyota Camry, and Toyota Corolla.

Required Coverage in Newark, NJ

All vehicles in New Jersey must be insured with liability coverage for property damage of at least $5,000, and personal injury protection of $15,000. No-fault insurance agreements limit the right to sue a driver for pain and suffering beyond short-term medical care and bills.

Permanent or significant injury can be purchased for coverage of up to $250,000 in victim’s compensation in the case of a lawsuit. Uninsured/Underinsured Bodily Injury coverage in New Jersey is a $15,000 minimum and up to $30,000 maximum coverage for an insured in an accident with an uninsured or inadequately insured motorist.

New Jersey drivers unable to show law enforcement a driver’s license and insurance coverage after an accident, may be subject to a fine of $300, community service, jail time, license suspension, and insurance surcharges.

Protect yourself and your vehicle with auto insurance in Newark, NJ.

How to Winterize Your Home in New Jersey

As the colder months are fast approaching, it is time to winterize your Newark, NJ home. There are a handful of different tips you need to perform, each of which will improve energy efficiency throughout the year, cut down on drafts and also help avoid those nasty winter colds.

HVAC Inspection

This should be performed annually. An HVAC inspection will clean out your vents, correct minor issues and make sure the furnace/boiler or other heating unit is functioning properly. This not only improves energy efficiency but it will improve air quality as well. This is also a good time to change out your furnace filter.

Check Windows and Doors

More air is lost around winders and doors than anywhere else in the home. It is also an area you can easily correct yourself. Check the weather stripping around all access points. If anything is cracked or missing, make sure to replace it. Also, fill in cracks around the frames to prevent air from escaping your warm home.

Insulate Your Pipes

Living in Newark, NJ, you probably have heard stories from friends or family members who have had burst pipes. Insulating pipes not only can help prevent this from happening but it also improves hot water transfers which in turn reduces your energy bills.

Storm Doors and Windows

Storm doors and windows can be easily installed around the house. These doors and windows act as a secondary barrier at protecting your home from leaking warm air. You’ll see an instantly lower energy bill after you go about installing these around the house. Plus, storm windows look much better installed than using the plastic wrap option. While plastic wrap is good if you’re in a pinch and only have a few dollars to spend, storm windows will last and provide improved insulation.

Protect Your New Business with Commercial Insurance

Congratulations! You’ve gone into business for yourself. No more bosses or time clocks! Except now if a mistake occurs, it is all on you. Did you insure your new company, protecting your ability to remain operating in the case of accident or disaster? Are your personal assets protected from business decisions, good or bad? If the answer is no, you might want to think about commercial insurance products from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. 

Loss of Company Building

Fires and major storms will happen. Should the property burn down that your new business is located in, how will you rebuild? With the right protection in place, you will be able to replace or relocate and start sending out product to your anxious customers once again.  Otherwise, your dream that you invested all your money and effort into will simply vanish in a column of smoke.

No Business During Construction

Should the aging road outside your property undergo badly needed repairs by the state, how will you get patrons to your front door or your product out? With no commerce happening during the fragile first few years of operation, how likely is it that you could survive a month or two of lost income?  Commercial insurance can provide enough cash during an interruption in business to protect your most valuable asset.

Replace Damaged Equipment

The industrial press needed to build your business cost almost as much as the building.  Should it fail due to vandalism without warranty, where are you going to raise the capital to replace it? Your capital equipment would be protected with the right policy.

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. has all the commercial insurance products needed to ensure your new business can flourish for years to come. Give them a call today.