What is Contractor Insurance in Bloomfield, NJ?

As a contractor, you need the proper insurance to protect yourself, your business, and your employees. But what exactly is contractor insurance, and what does it cover? This blog post will explain everything you need about contractor insurance in Bloomfield, NJ. We’ll also explain why it’s so important to have this type of insurance in place.

What is Contractor Insurance?

Contractor insurance is a type of liability insurance that protects contractors from financial loss if they are sued for damages or injuries resulting from their work. This type of insurance can cover many events, including property damage, personal injury, and even professional errors and omissions.

Why Do I Need Contractor Insurance?

As a contractor, you are responsible for the safety of yourself, your employees, and anyone else who may be affected by your work. If someone is injured or their property is damaged due to your work, they may file a lawsuit against you. You could be on the hook without contractor insurance for thousands of dollars in damages.

Contractor insurance can help protect you from financial ruin if you are sued. It can also help cover the cost of any repairs or medical bills that may be associated with an accident or injury resulting from your work. In some cases, contractor insurance may even provide coverage for lost wages if you cannot work due to an injury.

Call E.S.T.I.R. Inc Today!

You need contractor insurance if you’re a contractor in Bloomfield, NJ. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., we can help you get the coverage you need to protect yourself, your business, and your employees. Contact us today to learn more about our contractor insurance options!

Protect Your Bloomfield Business with Contractors Insurance

Protecting your company is a top priority as a business owner. That’s why you need to ensure you have the right insurance. Contractor’s insurance protects businesses that provide services to other companies or individuals.

Who Needs Contractor’s Insurance?

If you’re a contractor in Bloomfield, NJ, there are a few things you need to know about this insurance. First, all businesses that provide services to other businesses or individuals need this insurance. This includes companies that offer home improvement, landscaping, plumbing, and electrical work.

Second, contractor insurance protects your business from liability if one of your employees is injured while on the job. It also covers any damage your employees may cause to someone else’s property while working.

Third, this insurance can protect you from financial losses if your business has to stop work because of an accident or a natural disaster. It can also help you pay for any legal fees associated with a lawsuit.

An E.S.T.I.R. Inc. agent can help you find the right contractor’s insurance policy for your business. Contact us today to get started.

What Does Contractor’s Insurance Cover?

Now that you know who needs contractor insurance, let’s look at what this insurance policy covers. The plan can cover a variety of things, including:

  • Damage to property
  • Bodily injury
  • Personal and advertising injury
  • Medical expenses

The amount of coverage you need will depend on the type of business you have and the services you provide.

How Much Does Contractor’s Insurance Cost?

The cost of contractor insurance will vary depending on the size of your business and the coverage you need. However, the amount is small compared to the protection it offers.

To get a quote for contractor insurance, contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We’ll work with you to find the right policy for your business.

What Happens If I Don’t Have Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance is a vital part of any business. It protects your company from liability and helps to ensure that you can continue operating in the event of an accident or disaster. However, what happens if you don’t have commercial insurance? This blog post will discuss the consequences of not having commercial insurance from a reputable company such as E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

Losing Money

One of the most significant consequences of not having commercial insurance is that you could lose a lot of money. If you are involved in an accident or your business is damaged, you’ll be responsible for paying for the repairs yourself. This can be extremely costly and may even put you out of business.

Going Out of Business

In some cases, the expenses associated with an accident or lawsuit can be so high that they force your company out of business. This is especially true for small businesses, which often don’t have the same financial resources as larger companies. Even if you survive the initial costs, an accident’s long-term effects can devastate your business.

Personal Liability

If your business is sued, you could be liable for the damages. This means that your assets, such as your home or savings, could be at risk. In some cases, you may even be required to sell your assets to pay for the damages. This can significantly impact your life, both financially and emotionally.

Higher Insurance Rates

If you decide to purchase commercial insurance after an accident or lawsuit, you can expect your rates to be much higher than they would have if you had purchased insurance beforehand. This is because you’ll now be considered a high-risk customer by most Bloomfield, NJ companies.

Fines and Jail Time

In some states, not having commercial insurance is a crime. This means you could be fined or even jailed for operating your business without the proper coverage. While the penalties vary from state to state, they can be severe.


As you can see, not having commercial insurance can seriously harm your business. If you are operating without insurance, we strongly recommend that you contact a Bloomfield, NJ insurance agent to discuss your options. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., we can help you find the right coverage for your business. Contact us today to learn more.

Get Insured: What You Need to Know Before Buying Commercial Insurance in Bloomfield, NJ

Owning your own business can be one of the most fulfilling things you’ll ever do, but it can also come with some serious risks and consequences if you aren’t prepared. One of the best ways to protect yourself and your business is by purchasing commercial insurance, which will help guard you against potential lawsuits, property damage, and much more. 

Before buying commercial insurance in Bloomfield, NJ, here are some things you should know.

Why Do I Need Commercial Insurance?

While every business is different, there are a few common reasons businesses need commercial insurance. Firstly and most importantly, you want to be protected against significant lawsuits (and liabilities) that could cost you and your business money. 

While many people think of burglary or theft when they hear about business insurance, legal coverage is generally the first thing that comes up. After all, if someone falls on your property and breaks their leg, it will cost you money, even if it’s not your fault. 

The best way to cover yourself for these types of incidents is by purchasing commercial insurance from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Our agents can help you find a policy that will keep your business protected if something like that happens. 

Choosing the Right Company For Your Commercial Insurance

It’s hard enough getting your business off the ground. You don’t want to waste time and energy dealing with a company that can’t handle your needs. 

E.S.T.I.R. Inc is an insurance agency that offers commercial insurance for New Jersey businesses and professional insurance plans for individuals and families living or working in Bloomfield, NJ area. Give us a call at 609-688-1800 to look at what we offer today!

Is Contractor Insurance a Good Investment?

There are several risks facing your business if you are in the construction industry. Your business is never safe from employee injuries and theft of materials to lawsuits. While you can devise several risk mitigation strategies, contractor insurance is an investment you can use to cushion your business big time.

Are you thinking about contractor insurance in Bloomfield, NJ but haven’t decided yet? Here are reasons you should invest in contractor insurance as advised by E.S.T.I.R. Inc.

  • Liability protection: During the course of your contractual work, you can cause bodily injury or property damage to others. For instance, you could be sued if you are doing paintwork and the paint spills on the customer’s expensive sofa. Luckily, contractor insurance will help cover the legal and settlement claims.
  • Employee protection: As you can imagine, employee injuries are likely to happen during construction or repairs. For instance, one of your staff may fall off the ladder while painting, breaking their arm. Worker’s comp insurance should cover the medical expenses for such injuries.   
  • Builders risk coverage: This policy protects the house under construction or renovation against perils like fire, theft, damage, etc.
  • Protects your assets: Suppose you are undertaking repairs for a client. Fire ravages the building, destroying the roofing materials. In such a case, your contractor’s insurance should cover the damage.
  • Professional indemnity coverage: If you are sued for negligence, incomplete work, or missed deadlines, this coverage should cover the legal and settlement costs. For instance, when you fail to deliver your construction project on time, the client can sue you for missed revenue. It’s in such cases that contractor insurance comes to your rescue.

Are you interested in learning more about contractor insurance? Please get in touch with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. Even better, you can visit our Bloomfield, NJ office to chat with one of our agents.

Protect your contracting business with the right insurance

If you are a contractor in the greater Bloomfield, NJ area, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is here to help you with all of your commercial insurance needs. Don’t forget to protect yourself and your business. Having a contractor insurance policy in place can help to protect all your hard work!

Protect your business with a contractor insurance policy

Running a successful contracting business takes a lot of dedication and hard work. If you don’t have the right insurance coverage in place, it can have a detrimental effect on your business. No one likes to think about needing insurance, but it is something that you’re glad you have, should a catastrophic situation arise.

Protecting your company from loss, liability, and fraud can help make a terrible situation a bit more manageable. When you know you have the protection you need, you can focus on your business. There are many different reasons to have a comprehensive contractor policy in place, and the main reason is protection.

You’ve worked diligently to build your business to where it is today. Why wouldn’t you take the time to find the right policy to protect it?  When you consider the cost of tools and equipment and the disruption that would occur to your business should they be stolen or damaged, you can begin to see the benefits of insurance.

There are a number of different benefits that a robust contractor insurance policy can provide. Sit down with your local insurance agent to review your available options.

Find out more today!

The team here at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help contractors in our Bloomfield, NJ community with all types of insurance needs. If you would like to learn more about the ways you can protect your contracting business, give us a call today!

How to determine which commercial policy is right for your company

Are you a business owner in the greater Bloomfield, NJ area? If so, the team at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. would love to work with you on all of your commercial insurance needs. We provide our clients with the personal attention that allows them to provide their companies with the insurance protection they need.

Finding the right commercial policy to protect your business

Determining which commercial insurance policy is right for your company can often feel like an impossible task. There are so many options available it may seem difficult to narrow them down to just one policy. You may not know if the policy you choose has all of the features that you need. 

This is why so many companies choose to work with a local agent who will take the time to really understand their business’s insurance needs. Commercial insurance is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. There are many different and unique requirements that every business will have. Determining what your insurance needs are is the first step in choosing the right policy.

When you sit down to calculate the level of insurance policy that you need, you are one step closer to finding the commercial coverage that will best meet your needs. Consider the value of your inventory, equipment, commercial vehicles, and your buildings and structures. Finding the right policy does not have to be an impossible task!

We would welcome the opportunity to work with you!

E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is proud to serve the insurance needs of the Bloomfield, NJ business community. If you would like to find out more about how the right insurance policy can help keep your business safe, give us a call today. We would love to schedule some time to review your options with you!

Why You May Need Contractors’ Insurance

When you have a contracting company, there is a form of insurance that you should have in order to protect that business. Contracting often comes with a number of risks to employees and to the expensive equipment that you use. Injuries and damage to property can happen on any project, and it’s always best to be covered for these risks. Getting this insurance generally isn’t mandated, but it can save the financial future of your business if an accident or other incident should happen. If you need contractors’ insurance, give us a call at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ to find out more. 

General Liability

General liability is a big part of contractors’ insurance, and it provides a number of types of coverage. Generally, it covers the risks of bodily injury, damage done to a client’s property, and personal injuries such as slander or libel. These coverages are all important for every contractor to have. If someone should become injured, your policy can pay for the bills instead of your business having to pay it. 

Property in Transit

Another type of contractors’ insurance protects your equipment while it is in transit from one site to another. This can be valuable coverage, as so many pieces of equipment are highly expensive, and your business is in need of them. 

There are also other types of coverage that you can add to your contractors’ coverage if needed. These can include protecting the employees of the business as well as business vehicles if chosen. Having good insurance coverage keeps your business better protected and gives you peace of mind in case the worst should happen. 

Get Contractors’ Coverage

When you’re a contractor, make sure that you have the coverage you need. Give us a call today at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ to find out more and to get started. 

Why Do You Need Insurance for Your Business?

If you are like most business owners, you watch every penny that you spend. However, you need to spend some money in order to make some. There are some things that you shouldn’t skimp on. This includes insurance for your business. 

Unsure if you need business insurance? Here are some reasons why you do. 

Property and casualty insurance covers any damage to your business, both in your office and the building that it is in. It also covers the items that you use to run your business, from your computer, furniture, and any special tools that you need. It may also you if you ever need to shut down, for any reason. 

Liability insurance is necessary in case anyone gets hurt in your place of business. It will also cover injuries that occur when you are out meeting clients. Liability is also used in case you ever find yourself facing a lawsuit. 

That being said, you are legally obligated to have insurance for your business. You can’t open a business without it. If you don’t have any, you could face fines and penalties. Your business may also get shut down. 

Though you may not worry about insurance due to the cost, you really need to have at least something. If not, you could be forced to shut your doors. What would happen if someone fell and broke her leg while visiting your business? Could you afford her medical bills, on top of the bad publicity? 

If you want to make sure that your business is properly insured, don’t hesitate to contact us today at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ. We would be glad to show you what we offer. 

Three Renovations That Can Impact Your Homeowner’s Insurance

Renovating your Bloomfield, NJ home is an extremely exciting event, as you get the chance to customize your home based on your personality and preferences. However, before you get started with the renovation, you need to take a few things into consideration. This includes how the renovations may affect your homeowner’s insurance. This is where E.S.T.I.R. Inc. comes in. We can help ensure you are adequately covered moving forward. 

Adding an Addition

Additional space is necessary for a number of instances, such as for a business venture or a new member of the family. When you add a room to your home, the square footage of the house will increase. The same is true of the replacement value of the property.

As a result, if a disaster were to strike, your home insurance policy would need to have already been updated with this new addition. This ensures that the full value of your property is taken into consideration.

Replacing the Roof

While it can be rather expensive to undergo a roof replacement project, it may be able to help you save on your insurance premiums. A new roof will offer more structural integrity and protection against the elements. The updated roof is likely to hold up better in the event of a fire, inclement weather, or other peril.

Because the roof is improved, your insurance company needs to know to ensure the proper value of the home is accounted for and to offer potential discounts for the renovation.

Installing a Pool

Swimming pools can offer relaxation, entertainment, and more. However, insurance companies view them as a liability risk. This is because you are likely to be financially responsible for expenses incurred as a result of someone injuring themselves while utilizing your swimming pool.

Therefore, it is important to speak to your insurance agent to find out what kind of impact a swimming pool can have on your home insurance. 

If you plan on partaking in any home renovations in Bloomfield, NJ, speak to an agent at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for assistance in adjusting your home insurance policy.