What Is the Most Common Type of Business Insurance?

If you run a business in Bloomfield, NJ, you probably want to know if you’re getting (or already have) the best type of insurance policy for you. We’ll take you through a business owners policy (BOP) as this is one of the more common types of insurance. Its popularity does not necessarily make it the right option for you, but it may give you some indication as to what other owners are seeking out. E.S.T.I.R. Inc. is here to help you get the answers. 

What Is a BOP?

A BOP essentially gives business owners a solid protection plan in a single package. Instead of having to worry about choosing individual liability limits or deciding on different riders, an owner can just buy an all-in-one policy. You get major property and liability protection, so you can repair your building if it’s damaged or settle lawsuits (either in court or out) as they arise. 

Are All BOPs the Same?

While many small- and medium-sized business owners may have some version of a BOP, this does not mean that they’re all the same. Most BOPs include business interruption insurance or a coverage option that provides income if you have to close your business for a covered reason. Others offer all-risk coverage, or essentially coverage against every event unless it’s been specifically excluded on the policy. You never want to assume that policy covers anything — even if it seems as though it should a standard clause for all policies. 

When you want to learn more about commercial insurance of any kind, E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you fill in the gaps. We help the entrepreneurs in Bloomfield, NJ protect everything they’ve built, so they can keep their dream alive no matter what happens. 

Protect Your Inventory With a Comprehensive Commercial Policy

Because inventory levels change with the amount of business you are conducting, it is sometimes difficult to consider it as an asset that needs to be protected. Our team of highly-trained agents at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. are proud to serve the commercial insurance needs of the many businesses here in Bloomfield, NJ. If you own your own business, you understand the many moving pieces that come with inventory management. Making sure that your insurance policy covers your inventory completely is an important part of maintaining an effective commercial insurance portfolio. Our team is here to answer any questions that you may have and help you find the policy that meets your needs.

Make Sure Your Inventory is Covered

Ensuring that your inventory is measured at its highest level in order to determine your coverage amounts is the first step in securing the comprehensive commercial insurance protection that your business needs. Property policies are fairly comprehensive, and when you sit down with your agent to review all of your business components, you can find out about your many protection options. Inventory is the lifeblood of business and if it is ever lost, stolen, or damaged your bottom line can suffer. With comprehensive commercial insurance, you can make sure that you are able to continue operations as you rebuild your inventory levels. Make sure that you have the right policy level to protect all aspects of your business. Don’t let an oversight in your policy level hurt your company.

Is it time to find out more about how a comprehensive commercial policy can help protect your inventory? Contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for assistance with all of your Bloomfield, NJ commercial insurance needs. We are here to help you protect your hard work and keep your business operations covered. 

What is Contractor Insurance?

Being a contractor is a great profession that has the potential to make you a lot of money and to help people. If you are considering becoming a contractor or if you are already a contractor, contractor insurance is a must. For those that live in the Bloomfield, NJ area, the agents with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you find the right policy for your business.

Contractor insurance, much like any other specialty insurance policy, is geared toward making sure that you have the right policies to cover all the liability and issues you might come up against as a contractor. This type of policy is going to be a bundle policy that combines things like general liability, commercial property, business owners, and more together into one easy to pay and easy to use policy. This helps contractors to make sure they have all the coverage they need without having to go through and find each and every policy that might apply.

This type of bundle also often comes with a discount that helps make all the necessary insurances more affordable and easier to take out. For those that have a contractor business, this type of policy is going to take the guesswork out of the policy you need and is going to help you make sure you are fully insured before you ever set foot on the first worksite. With any business, there are a large number of different coverages that you need to help make your business protected and to provide protection to your customers.

For those that live in the Bloomfield, NJ area, the agents with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you to find the policy that fits your needs, that has the right coverage for you, and that meets the overall needs of your business.

Tips for Starting Your Own Contracting Business

Starting your own business can be extremely profitable. In fact, some individuals earn a substantially higher income working for themselves than they would for a company. However, the process of actually establishing your business isn’t as easy as you may think. With a few simple tips and insurance from Bloomfield, NJ’s E.S.T.I.R. Inc. you can get started with the highest potential for success. 

Getting Proper Licensure 

You can’t just start offering your services as an electrician without getting the necessary licensure. If you want to start a business and work as a contractor, you need to get a general business license. You also may need specific business licensure. For some contracting jobs, you may need certifications to prove your credentials. 


Before you start advertising, you need to look into insurance. Insurance is necessary for contractors. It helps protect their assets in the event something should happen to a client’s property. For instance, let’s say you’re doing electrical work in someone’s kitchen. You accidentally drop the screwdriver and it tears through the person’s linoleum. Instead of the person suing you, the insurance you have covers the expenses. You can also utilize your insurance if you should happen to make a mistake on the job. 

Learning to Market  

In today’s technology savvy world, marketing is easier than ever. You may create social media pages specifically for your business and use your own personal page. You have the option of sites like Craig’s List to post an ad for your services. Linkedin is another excellent place. You create a page listing all of your information. Your name comes up in the search results, and you have the option to connect with other contractors and businesses in your area. 

Call E.S.T.I.R. Inc. today for a quote for insurance for your contracting business. We serve Bloomfield, NJ and the surrounding area and are available by calling 973-481-5300.


Does Commercial Insurance Cover Technology In the Business?

Commercial insurance covers a huge range of different aspects of your business including the technology that is required to keep your business going. If you have a commercial policy, it is always best to see just what the policy covers in order to understand entirely what your policy is going to pay for should you have to use it. If you live in the Bloomfield, NJ area, the agents with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you to find the perfect commercial policy.

Keeping in mind that many businesses use some sort of technology to help them function, it is necessary that commercial policies cover the technology that is used to keep the business going. This means that commercial policies cover things like the computers that house the inventory, cash registers, office computers, anti-theft devices and more that are all used to help the business proceed with daily activity. If you have a business for instance that is destroyed in a fire, your policy would help to give you a monetary amount to help buy new computers and new technology to help recover the business.

A commercial policy is going to cover pretty much anything that is going to help your business run on a day to day basis. It is also going to cover inventory, the shelving and other display items, the building itself, and to a certain degree, can help pay for employee injury if something happens to your employees while you are at work. If you live in the Bloomfield, NJ area, the agents with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. can help you to find the perfect commercial policy for your needs so that you can be fully covered no matter what, even your valuable electronics that are used to keep your business running.

How Contractor Insurance Protects Your Business Reputation

One of the most appreciated and noble professions is that of a contractor. A contractor has the flexibility to take on a variety of projects within the home and work when it is best suited for the client and the contractor. Most of the clients that build the contractor’s business is by the reputation of the contractor. If you are a licensed contractor in the Newark, NJ area, a contractor insurance policy from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. will help you maintain your business reputation.

Put the "Liability" in "Reliability"

When seeking out a contractor, most clients equate reliability with work quality. A reliable contractor ensures their business by protecting both their clients and themselves with liability coverage. This coverage protects any damages that may happen on site, as well as prevent any extensive lawsuits from clients. Bodily injury and property damage are both subject to liable damages for contractors who are working in or around an area with access by homeowners or public. Any damages that require compensation or medical bills are covered under this portion of the policy.

Insure the Structure

It is essential for contractors to insure their projects as well as any structures that may have been damaged while working. Protect yourself and employees from the unforeseen damage that can come from working around a critical structure. Damages to unknown pipes or damages to the interior structure are covered under these policies. 

Protect Your Reputation Today

Contractor insurance promotes responsibility and security. Contractors that are insured is in high demand for clients in or around the Newark, NJ area. Knowing you are insured will enhance and maintain your business reputation with clients and potential clients. Let an agent as E.S.T.I.R. Inc. assist you with a contract insurance policy and protect your business reputation today.

Do You Need To Incease Commerical Coverage If Your Inventory Expands?

Having adequate commercial insurance can protect you from all sorts of dangers that result in financial chaos and potentially close the company. One of the things that commercial insurance covers is company inventory. If your inventory increases during the policy effective period, do you need to increase coverage?

Increasing Your Coverage

All businesses usually experience fluctuations in the inventory of the business from time to time. If that inventory substantially increases for the long term, you may want to consider consulting your insurance professional to help you revise your coverage or purchase additional insurance coverage to make sure there is no gaps and potential for losses. You can even purchase umbrella insurance if the increase in inventory is beyond the ability of your insurance to cover until you can find other insurance that is able to cover you adequately. 

Knowledgeable Agents

You always want to make sure you are working with a knowledgeable insurance agent so you can have an expert with you to help you discover the right products for your current needs. If you have a business in or around the Newark NJ area, you should consult with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. for options and information that can help protect you at all times from the possibility of loss from a multitude of dangers and events. 

If you experienced and inventory increase, consult with E.S.T.I.R. Inc. before making any decisions so you can have a professional agent review you needs and recommend appropriate action. They proudly serve the businesses and residents of the Newark, NJ area and look forward to speaking with you. Call or stop by the office for more details. 

3 Tips for Buying Contract Insurance in Newark, NJ

As a contractor, it is important to keep your business, employees, and clients protected. This can be done with the right contract insurance in Newark, NJ. However, all contract insurance policies are not the same. For this reason, if you are looking for a new contractor insurance policy for your business, here are three tips to help you get the most for your money with the best possible coverage: compare quotes, bundle policies, and work with a reputable insurance agent serving the Newark, NJ area.

1. Compare Quotes

When shopping for contractor insurance it is important to compare various quotes in detail. All policies are not the same. They typically differ in price and what is covered. For this reason, it’s important to use a trusted insurance agent to help guide you through this process and point out the finer details that you may miss. 

2. Bundle Insurance Policies

When you have more than one insurance policy, it’s a good idea to bundle them together under one insurance company. This will save you money on your premiums. You can bundle auto, home, recreational, commercial and other insurance polices together to save you money. Again, use a reputable insurance agent to guide you through this process to save you as much money as possible. 

3. Work with a Reputable Agent

You want the best contractor insurance for your needs in Newark, NJ. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. our reputable agents will guide you every step of the way when purchasing contractor insurance for your business. When you contact us, we will answer all your questions and help you find the best policy for the price you want. Contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. today and our friendly agents will take the time to explore and find the policy you need. 




Commercial Insurance for Your Small Business. When Should You Upgrade?

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we want your business to be fully protected so you can have the best chance at success no matter what the world might throw at you. This is why understanding exactly what your business’ insurance needs are is vital. We serve Newark, NJ and businesses in the surrounding areas. 

Should You Upgrade Your New Jersey Business Insurance to Commercial Insurance? 

According to the State of New Jersey, all business’ no matter the size must have basic liability insurance to protect themselves. If you have a product, then you need a minimum of a product liability insurance policy, and if you provide a service you need professional liability at a minimum. The point where you need to upgrade to commercial insurance is a blurry line in some cases, however, it is good to keep in mind that the more full your coverage is, the safer your business is in any case.

Commercial insurance is needed if you have company vehicles or machinery that you are liable for. Keep in mind that you have liability to the employees operating the vehicles and machinery as well. A lot can go wrong, and when it does it will fall on your shoulders as the business owner, no matter the size of your company. Getting the best commercial insurance for your company means that you can enjoy the perks of being boss with a better night’s sleep at the end of each day because you know you, your property, and your employees are safely covered in an emergency. 

Contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. to discuss your commercial insurance needs. We serve Newark, NJ with quality insurance and all the information you need to keep your life protected with the exact coverage you need. Call today. 

Safety Reminders for Cold-Weather Driving

As the weather cools down, in many areas ice and snow become part of the landscape. That means some key safety tips need to be implemented. Here are key safety reminders from E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serving the Newark, NJ area.

Tire tips 

Tires should be at the proper inflation level for winter driving. Ask the mechanic to check and inflate them. Recheck them periodically as needed. If needed, replace tires, and preferably do so before the wintry weather season begins.

Seatbelt safety

No matter how far or near you are driving, be sure that you and everyone in the vehicle is properly secured with seatbelts. Also, assure that babies and children are in properly installed age-appropriate car seats and booster seats.

Driving distance

Leave plenty of space between your vehicle and other vehicles when the roads are slippery or have snow or ice on them. Gradually brake rather than coming to sudden stops. All of this becomes even more relevant when there is a heavy snowstorm or an ice storm.

Alert driving

It is always important to be alert while driving but even more so during wintry weather. So do not drive unless you have had adequate sleep and rest. Pay full attention while driving.

Gear and tools

Make sure to have certain key items on hand in the car. That includes an ice scraper and brush to remove snow from the windshield and other parts of the car. Also have a fully charged phone plus emergency blankets, water and food.

It is definitely possible to drive during cold weather and wintry precipitation while staying safe. Follow the above tips and see that it is true. If you need more information about auto insurance, feel free to contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. serving the Newark, NJ area.