Different Types of Commercial Insurance Products You May Not Have Heard Of

Understanding Lesser-Known Insurance Options for Your Business

Operating a business involves facing a myriad of risks. While you might be familiar with standard insurance policies like general liability and property insurance, various lesser-known options can offer valuable protection. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we aim to help you understand all your options so you can make knowledgeable decisions.

The Value of Business Interruption Insurance

Imagine a situation where your business had to shut down temporarily due to an unexpected event, like a fire or flood. Business interruption insurance can provide a financial lifeline by covering the income you would lose during the closure. This type of insurance can aid in paying ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, and employee wages.

The Importance of Cyber Liability Insurance

In today’s digitally connected landscape, cyber threats are a significant concern for businesses of all sizes. Cyber liability insurance is designed to protect your business from the financial fallout of cyber incidents such as data breaches and hacking. This coverage can help handle costs related to data recovery, legal fees, customer notification, and even public relations efforts to manage your business’s reputation.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) for Employee-Related Lawsuits

Employee-related lawsuits are becoming increasingly common, making EPLI pivotal to protecting your business against employee claims. EPLI can cover legal defense costs and any settlements or judgments that may arise, providing your business with critical protection in complicated situations.

Get to Know the Full Range of Commercial Insurance Products

Understanding the entire set of commercial insurance products available can help you safeguard your business more effectively. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. in Bloomfield, NJ, we’re ready to navigate your options and guarantee you the protection you need. Contact us today to learn more about these and other insurance products that can secure your business.