Do I Have to Have Full Coverage Auto Insurance?

If you have never gone out and purchased a new or used vehicle, then there are likely several questions that you are wanting answers to. For example, you’re probably wondering whether or not you have to have insurance before you can pull off the lot with the new car. You’re also likely wanting to know if you have to have full coverage. Here at E.S.T.I.R. Inc., we want your car-buying experience to be as pleasant as possible, which is why we make getting insurance very easy. Let’s take a quick look at a couple answers to some of the more commonly asked questions about buying a new or used car in Newark, NJ.  

Do You Need Insurance?

When driving in New Jersey, it is mandated by law that you at least maintain liability coverage. So, if you’re going to the car lot and purchasing a vehicle, you will need to provide proof that you have at least liability coverage before being allowed to drive off the lot. Fortunately, it’s quite simple these days to contact an insurance agency, choose an insurance policy, make a payment, and receive proof of insurance. You can do all of this in well under 30 minutes. If you don’t currently have coverage and you need it because you’re buying a new vehicle, there’s no need to fret because you can get the proof you need in a very timely manner. 

Do You Need Full Coverage?

If you’re buying a car that you can’t replace if it was to become involved in an accident, then you should probably invest in full coverage insurance. In doing this, you can rest easy knowing the car will be replaced from a monetary standpoint if it was to be damaged in an accident. Also, you will need full coverage insurance if you are taking out a loan to pay for the car. Almost all lenders will mandate you buy a full coverage policy to compensate them for a loss if the vehicle becomes involved in an accident and you no longer make payments on it. After all, you don’t want to make payments on a car if you aren’t driving it anymore. With full coverage insurance, it’s a win-win for you and the lender. 

To learn more about the type of insurance you need to purchase a new or used car, please contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. today serving the Newark, NJ area.