Four Ways to Protect Your Car From Sun Damage This Summer

For car owners in New Jersey, it’s vital to protect their cars from the summer heat, which can and will damage them. Below are three ways to protect your car from sun damage this summer. 

1. Park in a Covered Area

Whether you have a garage or carport, you need to keep your car out of the sun as much as possible. This is also true when shopping in downtown areas and parking for your job. Park in covered garages that will keep the heat off of your car. 

2. Using a Car Cover

If you don’t have access to a shelter at your home or while at work, consider opting for a car cover to protect your vehicle. The sun damage to the paint can be detrimental, so you want to ensure that you don’t make any damage you already have worse. This is also an excellent idea for auto owners with multiple vehicles that need protection. 

3. Wax Your Car

Plan to wash your car every couple of weeks this summer, and make sure to wax it. This gives an extra layer of protection that will keep the sun from peeling back the paint and causing damage. If you’re already parking your car in the shade or a shelter, this will help with that process. 

4. Consider a Paint Job

If your car already had some paint damage from the sun last year, it would only get worse. It would be best to consider getting it painted soon and then waxing it so that the new painting isn’t ruined. If you’ve recently had it pained, you’ll want to follow these steps to keep it protected. 

If you need a new auto quote in the Bloomfield, NJ, area, contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. today for a personal quote.