Giving The Gift of The Road: Buying A Car For Your Loved One

During the holiday season, gifting a car to a loved one is considered a very generous gift. Giving a car can bring independence, peace of mind, and relieve financial stress for your recipient. For some, it can simply be an upgrade of their current car, and for others, it can be life changing. As you consider giving the gift of the road to your loved one, there are a few logistics to factor into your plan.

It is important to factor in the paperwork involved in purchasing a car. The title will be in your name in the initial purchase. Once you surprise them, you will want to transfer the title to your loved one’s name. This will require you both to make a trip to the DMV. In the state of New Jersey, the title transfer will have you write "GIFTED" in the price section, and state law ensures that you do not pay sales tax on a gift transfer.

There are additional costs that come with car ownership. Is fuel, maintenance, and insurance something that you will include in the gift? Is it something that your recipient can easily incorporate into their budget? For gas and maintenance, maybe consider a gift card to a popular gas station or mechanic. For insurance, it is important to know that New Jersey requires all registered vehicles to have Liability, Personal Injury Protection, and Uninsured Motorist Coverage. 

You can easily work with a local Newark area E.S.T.I.R. Inc. agent to find the right coverage for your loved one. Even if you are not covering the insurance costs, delivering a car with an affordable and comprehensive insurance quote is one way to make the gift of giving this holiday season, even more memorable. 

Ensure You Don’t Get Tricked into an Insurance Claim This Halloween

This Halloween, kids throughout Newark, NJ will be coming up to homeowners and saying “trick-or-treat.” The holiday tradition of going house-to-house dressed up is a treat for homeowners, as they get to see the many varied costumes, as well as for kids who get candy. If you’re a homeowner, make sure Halloween is a treat for you, and you don’t get tricked into a home insurance claim.

Halloween Accidents Lead to Home Insurance Claims

Anytime there’s an accident at your home, you might have to file a claim against your home insurance policy. The risk of an accident occurring increases on Halloween as kids will be coming up to your front door in the dark, and candles may be used in decorations. To reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring on October 31, you can:

  • keep your front yard clear to reduce falls
  • avoid decorating with many candles to reduce the likelihood of a fire
  • secure any expensive outdoor decorations you have to reduce the possibility of theft

Check Your Home Insurance Coverage

Additionally, you ought to review your home insurance coverage before kids come trick-or-treating. Specifically, look at your home insurance policy’s:

  • liability coverage, which may cover injuries from falls
  • fire protection, which might cover house fires
  • personal property coverage, which might cover theft

If you’re uncomfortable reviewing these coverages on your own, contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We have knowledgeable insurance agents who can explain and review these different coverages with you. To reach them, simply send us a message online or call our office. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope you have a safe and fun Halloween.

What Students Need To Know About Obtaining Health Insurance

If you are a student in Newark, there are several things that you need to know about obtaining health insurance. The affordable care act, also referred to as the ACA, requires that you have health insurance. Who provides the health insurance is entirely up to you.

There are three main ways for you to get health insurance in today’s marketplace. These include:

  • Your school
  • Your family
  • An individual plan

More and more universities across the United States are requiring health insurance coverage – and they may even include it within your tuition. This means you will have to look to see what you are spending your money on. If your school offers coverage, be sure it includes dental and vision as well. You also want to make sure that you have calendar year coverage and not simply semester coverage.

If your family plan has you included, this can offer great savings. If you are out of town or out of state, your doctor may not be within the network, however. This means that you may spend a lot of money on co-pays. It may also not provide you with full coverage if you play sports at the school.

Finally, you have the ability to explore an individual plan or you can determine all of the levels of coverage. You will want to explore deductibles and co-pays.

Regardless of where you obtain health insurance, you want to compare rates in order to make sure that you are getting the best deal and the highest level of coverage. You also want to do what you can in order to maintain a high level of health.

When you call us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we are able to help you learn more about obtaining health insurance in Newark. Contact us today to obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies throughout New Jersey.



Life Insurance Myths Uncovered In Newark, NJ

Life insurance is very important. It provides protection for you as well as your family in the event of your passing. There are different myths that you need to know about in order to effectively purchase a policy in Newark.

You are Too Young

Many people believe that they are too young for life insurance and this is something that should be purchased upon retirement. The reality is that there are plenty of reasons why 30 and 40-year-olds should be purchasing life insurance, and at the top of the list is that it is more affordable.

Employer-Provided Policies are Sufficient

Every policy is a little different and therefore you need to look at what your employer is providing. It is likely a term policy and disappears once you leave the company. It may also only be one or two times your annual salary, which would not be sufficient enough to protect your family.

Online is Where to Buy a Policy

While you can get some deals online when purchasing life insurance, many people purchase without knowing exactly what they are getting. Speak to an independent insurance agent so that you can discover more about available policy options.

Buy Term and Invest the Rest

There are some big differences between term, whole, and universal life insurance. A big myth is that people believe you should buy term life insurance and then invest the difference since it is the cheaper option. However, whole and universal can provide a cash value – and it is definitely something worth exploring, especially if you have it available within your budget.

There are plenty of other myths out there, and speaking to an independent insurance agent can enlighten you about the possibilities.

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we look forward to helping you find a policy that you can count on for life insurance. Call now and one of our agents can answer questions, get quotes, and more.


Ask Your Insurance Agent About Multi-Policy Discounts After Your Wedding in Newark, NJ

After a wedding, the last thing most couples have on their mind is to call their insurance agent. At E.S.T.I.R. Inc., however, we strongly urge newlyweds to contact their insurance agent shortly after becoming wed. Many insurers will give couples discounts on their insurance rates after they’re married, but insurance agents can only help couples get this discount if couples first call to share the good news.

Many Married Couples Qualify for Multi-Policy Discounts

There are many insurance discounts that people may qualify for. One that married couples, in particular, often qualify for is a multi-policy discount. Most insurers will lower a couple’s insurance premiums if they have more than one policy with the insurer.

While individuals who maintain both an auto insurance policy and at least one other insurance policy may qualify for a multi-policy discount, not all single people have more than one policy. Married couples, however, often have more than one car and also need homeowners, condo or renters insurance. Therefore, most married couples qualify for multi-policy discounts if they purchase all of their insurance policies through one company.

Contact Your Insurance Agent to Learn More About Multi-Policy Discounts

Multi-policy discounts vary from insurer to insurer, even though almost all insurance companies offer them. If you’d like to learn more about any multi-policy discounts that your insurer offers, contact your insurance agent. They’ll be able to help you figure out whether you qualify for a discount and what you need to do to get it if you do.

If you don’t have an insurance agent, or if your insurer doesn’t offer a large discount, contact us at E.S.T.I.R. Inc. We have independent insurance agents who can compare discounts from every insurer in Newark, NJ and find you the best one. To reach us, send us a message through our website or give us a call today!

Protect Your Pets This Summer

It is always a good idea to protect your pets during the summer months. When you live in Newark, you want to be sure that you are taking care of your dogs or cats when the weather becomes hotter than normal.

Hydration is important, and your pets should always have access to water. There are plenty of bowls and dispensers available on the market, so all you have to do is make sure it is always full. If you go outside, you should make sure that your pets still have water, even if it means bringing a bottle of water with you.

The summer heat can also take a toll on your pets paws. The pads that are found on the bottoms of their feet are delicate and concrete can heat up faster than you may think. There are various booties and other products that you can purchase so that their feet are protected whenever you take them outdoors.

There are going to be lots of bugs throughout the summer, and many of these can carry diseases. A single mosquito bite can transmit heartworm, which is a deadly disease for your dog or cat. The good news is that there are plenty of preventative medications and you can talk to your vet about protecting against heartworm, flea bites, and ticks.

Focus on all the different ways that you can protect your pet based upon what you are planning for the summer. Take your pet boating, but make sure that they have a life vest on. Also, never leave your dog in a parked car.

At E.S.T.I.R. Inc. we are dedicated to helping you protect you and your home. This includes your pets, too! Call us today and let us help you find an affordable homeowners policy in Newark.



Driving Tips for Teens: Listening to Music While Driving

It’s very exciting when a teen gets his driver’s license for the first time. From wanting to visit friends and driving back and forth to school each day, many teens form a new way of living once they are given the freedom to drive on their own. Many of them also prefer to listen to their music really loud when driving. And while music is a great way to pass the time when driving, it can also be a distraction when it’s turned up too loud. 

Teens should do their best to keep music in the car to a level in which they can still hear police sirens. After all, when a police car or fire truck comes up behind them, they need to be aware so they can pull over. If their music is too loud, though, they will be breaking the law by not getting out the way. 

Teens should also keep their music to a minimal noise level when they have other passengers in the car. It’s a well-known fact that having too many passengers can be very distracting, and when music is added into the mixture, this greatly increases your teen’s chances of being in a car wreck. 

As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure your teen is aware of the fact that music can be distracting. Because of this, you should never set a poor example and drive around with your music too loud. By setting a good example, your teen is much more likely to be a safe driver. 

To learn more about safe teen driving in Newark, or to review your teens auto policy, contact E.S.T.I.R. Inc. today. 

Keep Your Home Cleaner With These Tips

Keeping your home clean in New Jersey should be one of your top tasks. It is likely that you are not thrilled about cleaning simply because it takes so much time. There are a lot of cleaning tips that will keep your home cleaner, and you won’t have to work as hard as you may have thought! 

Creative hacks have been found in order to help you clean your home faster, and you don’t have to invest in a lot of expensive cleaning supplies. For example, if you want to clean your blinds, a one-to-one mixture of water and vinegar can be created and you can wipe all of the blinds down with an old sock. You can also create a paste using hot water and powdered laundry detergent to clean stainless steel fixtures and appliances.

Spending a little money on organizational tools can go a long way. You will find that it is easier to keep your home clean from day to day and week to week when you have basic organization going on throughout every room.

Preventative maintenance can be done so that it is easier to clean certain areas of the house. This includes using shower gel within the shower to keep the grout looking clean and using car wax on a flat surface stove to ensure that grease cannot get caked on.

If you are worried about odors within a particular room, you can attach a dryer sheet to the vent to help air out the area.

As you put these different tips into motion, it’s easier to keep your home clean, and you will actually have more time to do the other things that you want to do throughout your home in Newark.

Call us at ESTIR Insurance today so we can help you find affordable quotes, answer questions, and more.


Grill Your Heart Out With These Safety Tips

Any time that you grill in Newark, NJ, you want to follow safety tips. It doesn’t matter what you are grilling, there are some important ways to focus on safety so that your home is not damaged in any way.

Every year people experience damage to their homes because of barbecuing. They cook too close to the house or they don’t follow some of the basic safety precautions. They always assume that it is going to happen to them. Many grilling incidents are not covered by insurance, therefore you need to be aware of how to maintain safety at all times.


Wherever you set up the grill, you want to do so away from the house. You also want to avoid setting up in any kind of enclosure; this will ensure that the heat and flames have a place to go.


Cleaning your grill is an important task. This includes getting rid of the grease that builds up in the grease trap as well as various food particles that remain on the grates. It’s a good idea to invest in a wire brush to help with the cleaning process. This needs to be done on a regular basis so that you don’t experience flare-ups from burning the food.


Any time that you are cooking on the grill, you need to be out there attending the flames. It is also a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in the general area in case a flame gets out of control.

As long as you are safe about grilling, you can grill your heart out all year long. This way, you can have peace of mind around your home, too.

Call and talk to one of our agents at ESTIR Insurance. We can help you find an affordable homeowner’s quote and much more.



Five Things You May Learn from a Commercial Insurance Review

Did you know the population of Harrison, New Jersey dropped over 5% between the 2000 and the 2010 Census? Did you also know that the loss has already been more than made up in the five years since? Harrison is growing again, and the evidence can be seen with new developments and housing. This growth and the potential it holds have re-energized the business community. It is an exciting time.

Is your business growing? Has it changed in the past few years? Have you added new products, expanded or invested in new electronics? If it has, you should consider a business insurance review. An insurance review can tell you many things. Here are just five things you may learn from a commercial insurance review.

  1. Whether your business is covered from damage sustained from heavy snow buildup on your roof.
  2. What types of water damage your policy covers.
  3. If the windows in your storefront are covered for breakage.
  4. Whether you are covered for theft or not, and to what extent.
  5. If you are paying too much for coverage that is inadequate.

If your business is in or near the 07029 zip code, your E.S.T.I.R. insurance agent would be pleased to offer you a complimentary, no obligation business insurance review. This is particularly important if it has been a while since you’ve last reviewed your coverage. If your coverage is inadequate, our independent agents will scour multiple companies to find a policy that fits your business and your budget.

Visit our website and get comparative quotes on your auto or homeowners insurance. Once you see how we can save you money, we are counting on you calling us for a business insurance review.

E.S.T.I.R. is pleased to serve Harrison and excited for what the coming years will bring. We would be pleased to be a part of your team.