Can I make my auto insurance pay me back for loan payments I made on a car they declared totaled?

Accidents happen every day in Newark, NJ. If you are involved in an accident that results in damage to your vehicle, you will probably want to file a claim. After the insurance company sends out an adjuster to appraise the damage to your vehicle, several things can happen.

You may receive a check for the cost of repairs. That check will be reduced by any deductible you may have on your collision coverage. Depending upon the amount of the settlement check, you may have to pay a portion of the repair cost out of your own pocket.

A second scenario might occur when a totaled car is declared by the insurance company. In such a case, it is determined that the cost of repairing the car will be worth more than the market value of the repaired car. While you may haggle a bit about the amount of the check, once you accept the settlement, the vehicle is no longer yours to keep. In most cases, the car is scrapped and you have to find another car if you want transportation.

A totaled car does not relieve you of any loan payments you have made or still owe on a financed vehicle. Your insurer has no responsibility to pay off your car loan. If you get $2,500 for your totaled car and owe $2,000 in payments, you must personally pay the loan company the $2,000. Once a car is declared to be totaled, you have to pay off the balance of the loan, even though you no longer have a car.

Cars depreciate in value and you may owe more on it than it is worth. An insurance company will never pay you more than the market value of your car to have it repaired after an accident. Remember, your name, and not the insurance company’s name, is on the contract with the finance company. They have no liability to the finance company, but you may.

If I have a bad driving record can I get lower insurance rates by purchasing a car and getting a new policy in the name of my spouse?

A bad driving record means that it can be challenging to get the best rates available for your car insurance. Even though it can be possible to lower some rates with the help of a spouse who has a better driving record, you will still need to keep your name on a policy if you plan to drive the car.

Driving Without Coverage

Buying a new policy for your car under the name of your spouse may lower insurance rates due to the better driving record, but it also means that you cannot drive the car unless you also add yourself to the policy. The impact on the rates if you are listed as a secondary driver may not be enough to make it worth the effort of changing your current plan.

Driving without coverage for yourself may make your policy invalid since you live in the same house as the primary driver on the policy.

Listing as a Secondary Driver

Even though it is necessary to list your name on the policy as a secondary driver if you plan to drive the car, putting your spouse as the primary driver can help lower your rates, particularly if you do not drive regularly and the other individual has an excellent driving record.

As a driver who is listed on the policy, you will still have coverage if you are in an accident, but the amount that you pay may be reasonable.

A good driving record is essential if you want to have the best rates on your auto policy. Contact us to talk to an agent to learn more about reducing the cost of coverage and the options that are available.

Does homeowners insurance cover wood damage and chewed wires caused by squirrels?

Squirrels and other animals that are found in the area around your house can cause unexpected damage to your property. The animals may chew through wood or even damage electrical wires by chewing on them. When your home in Newark, NJ has been damaged by a squirrel, it may be possible to make a claim on your homeowners insurance policy.

The Policy Details

Ultimately, the details of your current policy will play a significant role in the ability to make a claim. Every homeowners insurance plan is different and the details about what is covered and what is not may vary.

Evaluate your policy to determine if you are covered against damage from animals. Some insurers may specify situations that are covered while others may cover several situations as long as they are out of your personal control and do not relate to regular maintenance. In some cases, you may have clauses or exceptions that exclude damage from squirrels, so read the policy thoroughly before you make a claim.

Paying for Damages

In many cases, insurers will pay for the damages to your wiring system and the house after a squirrel has caused damages. The amount that is available to repair the problem may vary based on your current policy. Insurers may offer a set percentage based on the situation, so you may or may not be able to make a claim for the full amount.

Squirrels and other animals can cause damage to your property, but the coverage and the details regarding the claims process can seem complicated. Depending on your plan, you may or may not be covered against certain damages from animals. Contact us to talk to an agent for more information about your policy options.

Will a failure to control vehicle to avoid a collision ticket affect my insurance rates?

When you get behind the wheel of your car and venture out onto the streets of Newark, NJ, you must always be in control of your vehicle. If you are driving in bad weather, you should slow down so you can maintain control of your vehicle. You should also make sure that your brakes are good and you can see out of your windows.

When you learned to drive, your instructor probably went over the importance of being a safe driver. You may not be able to control what other drivers do, but if you have control of your vehicle, you can avoid many dangerous situations. If someone cuts you off and you are alert and in control, you can avoid an accident.

Your car insurance rates may go up if you get into an accident and are cited for failure to avoid collision. When the police officer gives you a ticket, it is an indication that you may have been responsible for causing the accident. Of course, you have the absolute right to go to court and fight the ticket. At the same time, when you file a claim with your insurance company, they will investigate and come to a conclusion about who is liable for the accident.

A number of factors go into the decision by your car insurance company to raise your rates. If you have been a long-time customer and the accident was a minor one, they may not hit you with a higher premium. Being issued a failure to avoid collision citation is never a good thing. It can add points to your driver’s license and also indicate that you are not a safe driver. When you present a greater insurance risk, your car insurance rates may go up.

Am I covered by a friends insurance if I borrow their car and get into an accident?

If you get the opportunity to borrow a friend’s car, chances are you don’t give a lot of thought to insurance. You have insurance, your friend has insurance–the car is covered, right? Well, it would be wise to familiarize yourself with some of the details of how automobile insurance works before you risk getting into a car accident with your friend’s car.

As a general rule, automobile insurance stays with the car, not the driver, so when you borrow your friend’s car, you’re driving on his insurance. This sounds great until a car accident occurs, then you have to start to worry about things like whether or not your own injuries are covered, how much the deductible is, and how long you may wait for a claim to be settled. In any case, your own insurance will be considered "secondary insurance" and may be used to cover any of the shortcomings of the insurance on your friend’s car.

There are some circumstances wherein your friend’s insurance won’t cover you at all. For instance, if you took your friend’s car without permission, it will be your car insurance that is on the line for damages from a car accident, not your friend’s. Similarly, if your friend considered you to be a questionable driver and specifically listed you as an exclusion on his policy (in states where this is allowed), you may not be covered by that policy and your own auto insurance would become primary.

If you borrow a friend’s car, their insurance is likely to be your primary coverage, but it’s best to have your own coverage just in case. If you have questions about your insurance or are in the market for new coverage, call us today. As your independent agent, we can give you the facts about car insurance and help you to find the right coverage and the best price.

How Does a Car Qualify to be Eligible for Classic Car Insurance in Newark, New Jersey?

Driving a classic car does not necessarily mean that your vehicle will qualify for a classic car insurance policy in Newark, New Jersey. In many cases, insurers will have strict standards that you must meet before they will cover your vehicle. The best way to get covered for a classic car is by identifying the rules that your insurer sets before you obtain coverage.

Limitations on Driving

When it comes to auto coverage for a classic vehicle, insurers may set a driving limitation to reduce the risk of an accident. Insurers may provide a set guideline for how many miles you are allowed to drive in a year.

In most cases, insurers will not offer coverage as a classic vehicle if you drive the automobile on a daily basis.

Storage Requirements

In some cases, insurers may ask that you store the vehicle in a private garage where it cannot be damaged by another individual. Some insurers may not require a private space, but may still ask that you store it in an enclosed space away from the elements.

The storage requirements may vary between insurers, so read through the details of a policy before you determine if you vehicle might qualify for coverage.

Exhibition Coverage

Insurers may offer coverage for exhibitions, but the details of your policy may vary if you take your vehicle to car shows. Depending on your plans, the insurer may require additional protection.

Finding the right insurance for your classic vehicle can depend on a variety of factors. Before you obtain a quote, make sure that your vehicle qualifies for coverage based on the insurer’s standards. Contact us to talk to an independent agent for more details about coverage requirements.

Now that my business is established in Newark, NJ, I think it is time to offer my employees some benefits. What do I need to know?

There are several different types of insurance benefits you should think about offering your employees in Newark, New Jersey. If you want to keep good employees, the type of insurance coverage you provide could mean the difference between people staying for the long term or quitting when they find something better. You should speak with an independent agent about the types of commercial coverage you need in NJ.

One important benefit to offer is health insurance. You can shop around with several different companies to find a health insurance plan you can offer your employees that will not break the bank. If your business health coverage is too expensive, your employees will not be able to utilize the protection. Again, we can help you compare the rates and quotes from reputable insurance providers and find the perfect plan for your business.

Another important benefit is workers compensation coverage. Depending on the size of your commercial business, this type of protection is required by law. In the event one of your employees is injured at work, you need to make sure you are covered to not only pay the medical expenses, but also the missed time from work. Speak with a New Jersey independent agent about how much coverage you will need.

Once your business is up and running and doing well, you want to keep the employees that helped you get there. The best way to do that is to offer benefits that will entice employees to stay loyal to you and your business. Contacts us today to discuss your unique insurance needs and we fill find you the best insurance coverage for your business.

New Jersey Commercial Insurance Coverage

If you own a business in Newark or any other area within New Jersey, you’re required to carry several forms of commercial insurance coverage to protect yourself and your business from various financial liabilities. Commercial insurance covers the gamut from automobiles owned and used by your business to workers compensation and medical expenses for employees.

To maximize your protection against a variety of unforeseen events, it’s important to know what types of commercial insurance policies are available, as well as the coverage they offer:

· General Liability Insurance (CGL) – This form of insurance ensures that your business is covered against legal and financial claims resulting from bodily injury, slander and libel. It also covers your business in the event of theft or vandalism.

· Property Insurance – This form of insurance protects your business property, including land, inventory and on-site possessions, against natural and unnatural disasters.

· Workers Compensation – If your employees are injured on the job, this policy takes care of their medical expenses and wages while they recover.

· Commercial Auto Insurance – Similar to personal auto insurance, it covers the vehicles your business owns and/or uses, as well as their drivers under certain circumstances.

Many of these policies can be bundled into a Business Owner Package (BOP) that offers a significant savings over individually purchased policies.

The amount of coverage offered by these plans depends on the size and type of business and varies by cost accordingly. Don’t hesitate to give us a call to find out how much coverage your business needs to provide adequate coverage and comply with New Jersey state minimums. As your independent agent, we can help you find the right commercial plans that suit the unique needs of your business.

Which Security Devices will Reduce my Motorcycle Insurance Premium in Newark, New Jersey?

Insurance companies offer a variety of solutions to help reduce the cost of your premium, but the details of any policy and the methods of applying discounts to your coverage may vary. In Newark, New Jersey, it may be possible to reduce your premiums by taking measures to improve the security on your motorcycle.


When you want to reduce your premium with a discount, taking steps to reduce the risk of theft is essential. Insurers may offer a reduced rate if you install security devices that sound an alarm when the motorcycle is touched or actions are taken that would signal a theft.

Unlike an auto alarm, the system on a motorcycle may not sound if the bike is touched on accident. Learn about the system before you install an alarm to make sure it is the type of system that you prefer.


Cable locks and similar locking systems may also help lower your insurance premiums while making sure that your bike is covered from financial losses.

Locks help reduce the risk of theft because it would take longer to steal a motorcycle that is locked up than one that is not. It may lower your monthly rate if you put in a lock, but each insurer is different and the devices that are acceptable for a discount may vary based on the risk assessment and the potential to deter a theft.

It is possible to lower your insurance rate if you take steps to secure your motorcycle, but the devices that are acceptable to your insurer may vary. Before you put in a new security device, find out about the insurer’s standards. Contact us to talk to an independent agent to learn more about securing your motorcycle or reducing your premium.

What if during my Commute to my Office via Public Transportation my Personal Laptop gets Lost, Stolen, or Damaged? Would it be Covered by my Home Insurance Policy, in Newark, New Jersey?

When a personal laptop is stolen or damaged during your commute to the office in Newark, New Jersey, you may worry about where to make a claim for the electronic device. In many cases, your home insurance may offer some protection for the lost laptop, but the details of your plan may vary.

Look at Your Policy

Read your policy thoroughly before you assume that you are covered for a lost, stolen or damaged laptop during your commute in public transportation. Although many insurers may offer some protection for items that are taken out of your home, the situation may or may not be covered under your current policy.

Consider a Commercial Claim

If you lost the electronic device during a commute to the office, then it may be possible that your home insurance will refuse to pay for the device and will require that you make a claim through your employer’s commercial policy.

The details of any homeowner’s policy will vary based on the situation, the details of your plan and the expenses associated with the situation. In many cases, you may be covered under your home policy. In other situations, your insurer may refuse to pay on your claim due to the fact that you were taking the laptop to your place of employment.

Ultimately, every insurer offers a different solution based on the situation and the details of your protection plan. If you do not have coverage for an object that is taken out of the house, then you may need to pay for the replacement of your electronic device out-of-pocket. Contact us to speak to an independent agent to learn more about coverage options. What if during my Commute to my Office via Public Transportation my Personal Laptop gets Lost, Stolen, or Damaged? Would it be Covered by my Home Insurance Policy, in Newark, New Jersey?